Welcome to my Blog!

A few members of my family and I were sitting around the dining table this St. Patrick's Day, March 17th, 2012. During the many conversations we were having, my cousin Valerie suggested I start a food blog! In honor of what would have been my grandmother Bernice M. Combs 100th birthday, HERE GOES! Here's to the 'Luck of the Irish"!

Monday, January 17, 2022

A New Beginning: January 17. 2022 Loving the snow!

January 17, 2022

It's a cold night with a beautiful ice mixed snow on the ground in Hazard, Kentucky tonight! We love the snow!  I have 5 dogs now! Three are 90-103 pounds.  As I am typing this one of the big girls has her head lying on my right shoulder.  That would be my Molly girl.  Molly was my sister Tammy's dog.  If you have read my previous post you will know my sister passed away several years ago.  One and half years ago Molly came to live with me and  my pack of 4 at that time. I have had Molly's sister Charli Marie since she was 5 or 6 weeks old.  These two gals are not twins, but certainly would pass for them.  They were never raised together, but their mannerisms are so similar its scary.  I have no doubt that they realize a connection between them.  They will share a bowl of food, but growl at each other the entire time! They just give up and eat in peace. Any one that knows me knows that I could talk about my dogs all day.  They bring me such joy and aggravations just like most human children do as toddlers!  That is just it, I have 5 toddlers that will never grow out of that phase.  At least not until  they are very old and tired!  I still have my Tara, the black and white Shih-tzu in my earlier blogs and photos.  Tara is now 14 years old, in relatively good health.  Squiggy a black and white pit/hound mix is new to the pack.  He has been here several years now.  He is my love!  He is neurotic as Hell! The little Collie mix Candi is still here and happy and healthy.  She was in the earlier blog entries years. My son is now 18!  I can't believe how time has jumped so quickly.  He is about 6 feet tall.  Possibly 1/2 inch more.. He was just elated to be taller than I am.   I may start blogging and posting more food pictures this year.  I am still baking and cooking often.  I have grown as a home chef so much over the last 10 years and still love it...It is my passion.. 

All keep warm and safe over the next week, word is more snow is coming and cold temps.   



1/17/2022  YES such a long time since I have written in this mostly hidden blog.  For some crazy reason tonight I am sitting on my couch thinking of the my "just for fun" blog I created so many years ago. I have read through the old posts and started thinking WOW.  So much has changed since I started this small venture.  The pictures above were supposed to be taken by my sister Tamela Combs Asher.  Unfortunately, sadly, horribly she passed away the middle of November in 2016.  I also have a cousin who is a photographer, Vanna Hurley Napier who stepped in and photographed our Christmas pictures for us that year.  To think so many years have gone by since these were  taken is surreal to me. My son is now 18, planning to leave for college in August of this year. I have lost and added a few more dogs in our lives since then as well!  I have been a CVICU nurse for the last 3 years (I have been a nurse for 22 years).  Covid -19 has taken over the world, our daily lives.  My health has declined abit, but doesn't hitting 50 cause much of that?  August 2021 I contracted Covid.  I had worked with this horrible virus since the beginning of the beginning.  My son returns to school after near a year and half of home schooling and POOF we all have Covid.  I spent almost 4 weeks off work.  I was on oxygen, nebulizer treatments, vitamins and lots of other meds.  I have never been so ill in my 50 years.  I was one of the blessed, lucky, whatever one would like to call it.  I survived!!!!! So many younger and healthier people  than myself were dying.  At this point I just thank God that I survived to continue taking care of my kid (well young man with  no common sense)! He needs me so much, my animals need me and Stephen needs me, although I am not sure he would admit it!!!!!!
Here's hoping everyone is enjoying or hating as most of you do this snowy weather we are having this week.  I am a snow lover!   Cheers and God Bless