Welcome to my Blog!

A few members of my family and I were sitting around the dining table this St. Patrick's Day, March 17th, 2012. During the many conversations we were having, my cousin Valerie suggested I start a food blog! In honor of what would have been my grandmother Bernice M. Combs 100th birthday, HERE GOES! Here's to the 'Luck of the Irish"!

Monday, April 30, 2012

The beginning of my 2012 gardening adventure!

 My porch tomato plant.. It is growing beautifully.  It already has several small tomatoes on it!
 These are my bell pepper plants.  They did suffer a little chill last week and the bugs are horrible.  I have already had to dust them.. I hate doing that.

 Beautiful Basil.. I love basil.. did I mention!
 These little guys will be awesome in a week or so.. It is so amazing how a seed grows into something so pretty and yummy!
 Yeah... finally time to plant my tomatoes.. I am so excited.. I even bought 12 more plants today!  I plan on canning many jars this year.. I am going to dice them and add some jalapenos!  Perfect for my famous salsa!
 Well, here it is my 8 by 8 bountiful garden.  Stephen built this for me two years ago.. Did I mention I have the greatest boyfriend a girl could ask for?!  He is incredible.. If I could only give back to him what he gives to us, life would be perfect.  Well, our lives are perfect.. but you know what I mean!
In the far corner I have a mound of garlic. I have never grown garlic.. A lady I work with brought me this huge bundle of garlic.. so I just stuck it in the ground!
 At this point in time, my greatest achievement around the garden.. My strawberries. The couple I have tasted have been so sweet and juicy.. Unfortunately.. due to our warm winter, the pests are in full motion.. I have been researching and talking with some elders regarding old time ways to keep the bugs away.. I have heard some dandy ideas, including laying a dead fish around the plants, putting ripe to rotten bananas in the dirt!  I suppose having "hillbilly" ties has advantages... Our people know how to garden, grow and can just about anything!
Since these photos were taken, we have tilled more ground and planted mustard greens, cantaloupe, and many more tomatoes... I also have potatoes and green onions peaking up through the ground!  Well till a few weeks of growing.... This is the last of the garden themes til then..Can't wait to post red ripe tomatoes...

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