Welcome to my Blog!

A few members of my family and I were sitting around the dining table this St. Patrick's Day, March 17th, 2012. During the many conversations we were having, my cousin Valerie suggested I start a food blog! In honor of what would have been my grandmother Bernice M. Combs 100th birthday, HERE GOES! Here's to the 'Luck of the Irish"!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

The First Steps of My Herb Garden 2012!

 The weather has been so warm, I decided to get a head start on my herb garden.  The mint I planted last year in a planter is growing beautifully.  The others I purchased at different stores in my area. I am waiting til mid-April, even May to put them in the garden. I am afraid Mother Nature will decide a huge frost in in order before then.  I usually keep several containers on my porch as well. I love sitting on my back porch getting the wonderful aromas of the herbs.  Mint and Basil are my favorites!

 I have never grown boxwood basil before.  However, once I saw these cute plants I had to buy a couple. They are a beautiful herb!
 Basil, lot and lots of Basil! My small garden was so full of basil last year I could have marketed it! Hey there's a thought.. Unfortunately, I don't know of many people in my area that cook with fresh herbs! Such a sad concept, they are missing out!  I am a believer that fresh herbs help your immune system stay healthy! 
 This is my first year for orange mint! It smells captivating! I can't wait to use it in some freshly brewed tea!  I use the mint to make a raspberry mint tea! It is delish! I will have to use some orange zest and make a simple syrup to go in the tea! 
I love Mexican dishes, so cilantro is a must!
 This will also be the first time I have a porch tomato plant!  I love any dish with tomatoes in it. Funny thing, I don't like eating just a simple tomato! I know, makes absolutely no sense at all.   I am planning on canning tomatoes this year.  I am going to plant probably around 10 plants.. That should be plenty for just the three of us!  I will keep posting updates on my little garden as the season rolls on!  
As an added note.. The Kentucky Wildcats play the Louisville Cards tonight... So GO BIG BLUE! 

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