Welcome to my Blog!

A few members of my family and I were sitting around the dining table this St. Patrick's Day, March 17th, 2012. During the many conversations we were having, my cousin Valerie suggested I start a food blog! In honor of what would have been my grandmother Bernice M. Combs 100th birthday, HERE GOES! Here's to the 'Luck of the Irish"!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

My Herb Garden!

Well.. I have many herbs purchased and placed in planters.  I love the smell of fresh herbs growing.  I was so excited today when I called True Value and they told me they had Basil.. I couldn't wait to go buy a few plants. I made cute tags and laminated them to place in each planter. Most people, at least where I live, think I am a little nuts! However, I love herbs, cooking with herbs, smelling fresh herbs, so I really could care less what others may think!  It is rather early in Kentucky to be planting anything cold sensitive.  However, our extremely warm winter/spring has one itching to get started in the garden. I also bought some porch tomatoes.  If by some chance we were to have a frost/freeze I can easily place them indoors! So far I have orange mint, sweet basil, cilantro, parsley, thyme, oregano, mint, chives , rosemary and a porch tomato plant.. !  I have a row of strawberries planted and some garlic a  friend of mine dug up at her home! I plan on planting at least 10 to 15 tomato plants. I have many ideas for their use.. I love any fresh tomato dish, especially salsa  ( my specialty!).  I spent this past weekend digging and cleaning out my flower garden. My hostas are coming up and are beautiful! Did I mention I love spring! PS.. these are last years pics.. wait til tomorrow and I will photograph the new ones...

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