Welcome to my Blog!

A few members of my family and I were sitting around the dining table this St. Patrick's Day, March 17th, 2012. During the many conversations we were having, my cousin Valerie suggested I start a food blog! In honor of what would have been my grandmother Bernice M. Combs 100th birthday, HERE GOES! Here's to the 'Luck of the Irish"!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

The "Four" part of our Blog....dogs and more dogs!

This is the "four" part of by blog.  Gabriel, an 11 year old Shih-tzu, Katara, a 4 year old Shih-tzu, (These are my two original dogs).  The next two are basically rescues! Angel, the mostly all black Shih-tzu approximately 11 to 12 years old was surrendered to my groomer by her original owner in December 2011.  My groomer made a post on Facebook, hoping someone would adopt her. Needless to say, she found a home with us. Candi, the Collie mix, found a home with us in January of 2011.  She was apparently left to roam the highway in our neighborhood.  Stephen decided he would stop and pick her up one morning. Well guess who got stuck with her.. ME, of course!  Each of our dogs has their own very unique personalities.  They are very spoiled! If often makes me feel guilty that my animals are treated better than many of  the children in our area!  They sleep in a queen sized, warm bed with my son and myself! Yes, my son is having difficulties being a big boy and going to his room.. This is an ongoing project in our home!  Needless to say, our animals mean everything to all of us.  As I am typing now, Angel is sitting in my lap giving me kisses!  Good night and God Bless all of you!

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